Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who is Adam Morgan?

So, you probably saw a comment I made on another blog. Thanks for being curious

Now that you're here, allow me to tell you who I am!

My background:

I lost 40% of my hearing when I was five years old. The doctors could not heal my ear infections which eventually damaged my hearing. It's been a challenge throughout my life, but not one that couldn't be handled successfully. My parents instilled hope within me with these two teachings: "Morgans can do HARD things" and "Morgans NEVER quit". I believe I will be healed through a miracle; whether divine or through a medical advance, I consider both to be miracles.

I have achieved success in many areas. Most individuals with my hearing loss do not serve full-time proselyting missions for the LDS church or graduate college. I served a great mission and was able to bring about the conversion of many people. Currently, I am in my last semester at UVU getting my Bachelor's Degree in Business MGMT.

What Has a Hearing Impairment Taught Me?

Because of the lessons I learned while dealing with a hearing impairment, I know I can help anybody succeed.

Success requires persistence coupled with hard work and belief. You better believe I've had to work hard in school and in other areas. For everyone else, hearing came natural. For me, it caused me to take initiative and be on my toes.

Allow me to illustrate:

In elementary school I couldn't hear what the teacher was saying if I was on the back row. To solve this problem, I had to ask the teacher if I could sit on the front row.

While others moan at their God, I am thanking mine. I know he is creating a strength out of my weakness. It made me the leader that I am.

No matter the circumstances, anyone can succeed. They must want it.

What Do I do for a living?

I am an entrepreneur and spend most of my time blogging here. My purpose there is to aide the current entrepreneur and the individual thinking about this path. I do that by providing massive amounts of value. Don't believe me? Prove me wrong.

Let's connect!